The Rules For Not Having A TV Licence
If you are thinking about cancelling your TV Licence, great!
But you do need to be aware of a couple of things you should do. It’s nothing to worry about, but you will need to know and remember these points.
If you are thinking about cancelling your TV Licence, great!
But you do need to be aware of a couple of things you should do. It’s nothing to worry about, but you will need to know and remember these points.
Without a TV licence you cannot watch or record anything as it is being broadcast. But why would you want to anyway? I promise you, after a few weeks of watching TV on demand you will never want to go back.
It is so nice to watch what you want, when you want to watch it. Want to watch the news at 10 on ITV? Just wait a little while for it to finish and it will be on ITV player ready for to watch whenever you like.
There is no requirement that you must inform them that you don’t need a licence, you can just cancel your payment and ignore their letters. That is fine.
You can let them know by completing a ‘no licence needed’ form. This tells them directly that you are sticking to the rules and you don’t require a TV licence.
Telling them will cut down on some of the threatening letters, but it doesn’t mean that one of their door to door salesmen won’t visit you.
Either way is ok to do, so it’s up to you.
You might get a visit from one of these ‘inspector’ people. If you look on youtube you will see many videos of people screaming and shouting at them while filming it on their phones.
Don’t be like them. If you open the door to an inspector, here is what you do.
– Be polite
– Say no thank you
– Close the door quickly
– Never sign anything
And the final and most important point here is.
Never, ever let them in to your property
They have no right to access it without your permission. Get the door shut and there is nothing they can do.
The rules of not having a TV licence can be a little tricky, especially if you read the official website.
This video should help clear up some of the confusion.